Secure Wordpress - Am I Scaring You Yet?

There are millions of blogs. Some of us are earning money and some do not. Many of the bloggers use WordPress at the moment. You need to make sure that your blog is protected.

By default, the newest version of WordPress is pretty secure. The development team of WordPress has considered anything which may have been added to some secure your wordpress site plugins. Before, WordPress did have holes but most of them are stuffed up.

It all will start with the basics. Try to use passwords. Use special characters, numbers, letters, and spaces and combine them to create a unique password. You can also use usernames image source that are not obvious.

Before you can delete the default admin account, you need to create a new user. To do this go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on User -> Create New User. Enter all the information you need to enter.

It's time to sign up for a Facebook account that is new and use this individual's name and identity to present as your friend. Once I get it all set up, I'll be emailing you posing as your friend and asking you to be friends with me on Facebook (or Twitter, or whichever social site).

Always keep in mind that the security of your sites depend on how you handle them. Be certain that you follow these basic strategies to prevent hacks moved here and exploits on your blogs and sites.

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